Ecology of marine microbes characteristic of different marine environments.
By ecological studies, we obtain information on microbes characteristic of or important for the surrounding environment and utilize their beneficial ability.
Key Collaborators
- NITE (Taxonomical analysis)
Other Information
Supported by JSPS, JST (COI-NEXT) and Bridgestone Corporation.
Recent Topics
- Bacteria inhabiting deep seas.
The bacterial community composition in deep seawater around Japan has largely been investigated (Published).
- Acquisition of highly novel marine bacteria and analysis of their characteristics.
Highly novel marine bacteria have been collected, and their unique characteristics are being explored (Many novel bacteria of novel genera, novel families and even a novel order have been obtained. Some of them are published).
- Bacteria living on the surface of deep-sea fishes.
Bacterial communities on the surface of deep-sea fishes are being investigated and the roles of the bacteria will be explored.