Area of expertise
Phenol biodegradation, Carotenoid biosynthesis, Petroleum biodegradation; Transcriptional regulation; Plant physiology, Plant molecular biology, Molecular microbiology, Environmental
[フェノール分解, カロテノイド合成, 石油分解; 転写調節; 植物生理学, 植物分子生物学, 分子微生物学, 環境微生物学]
Book Chapters
寺本真紀 原山重明 2006年 環境中の微生物相の解析. 倉根隆一郎編. 「複合微生物系の産業利用と新産業創出」 第4章 p. 29–34. シーエムシー出版(東京)
[Teramoto M and Harayama S. 2006. Analysis of microbial consortia in environments. In Industrial utilization of microbial consortia and creation of new industries using the consortia. Edited by
Kurane R. Chapter 4. p. 29–34. CMC publishing (Tokyo).]
Teramoto M and Harayama S. 2011. Potential for petroleum aliphatic hydrocarbon degradation of the key bacteria in temperate seas. In Adam D. Nemeth edited, The Marine Environment: Ecology, Management and Conservation. Chapter 6. pp.157–166. New York: Nova publishers.
Teramoto M, Zhang Z, Shizuma M, Kawasaki T, Kawarabayasi Y and Nakamura N. 2012. The thermostable enzyme genes of the dTDP-L-rhamnose synthesis pathway (rmlBCD) from a thermophilic archaeon. In Marian Petre edited, Advances in Applied Biotechnology. Chapter 12. pp.225–234. InTech.
寺本真紀 原山重明 2012年 海洋原油汚染とバイオレメディエーション. 倉根隆一郎編. 「バイオ活用による汚染•廃水の新処理法」 第27章 p. 248–258. シーエムシー出版(東京)
[Teramoto M and Harayama S. 2012. Oil pollution in marine environments and their bioremediation. In New Applications & Developments of Biotechnology for Industrial Pollutant-remediations and
Wastewater-treatments. Edited by Kurane R. Chapter 27. p. 248–258. CMC publishing (Tokyo).]
Journal Articles
Watanabe K, Teramoto M, Futamata H and Harayama S. 1998. Molecular detection, isolation, and physiological characterization of functionally dominant phenol-degrading bacteria in activated sludge. Appl Environ Microbiol. 64: 4396–4402.
Watanabe K, Teramoto M and Harayama S. 1999. An outbreak of nonflocculating catabolic populations caused the breakdown of a phenol-digesting activated sludge process. Appl Environ Microbiol. 65: 2813–2819.
Teramoto M, Futamata H, Harayama S and Watanabe K. 1999. Characterization of a high-affinity phenol hydroxylase from Comamonas testosteroni R5 by gene cloning, and expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1c. Mol Gen Genet. 262: 552–558.
Teramoto M, Koshiishi C and Ashihara H. 2000. Wound-induced respiration and pyrophosphate:fructose-6-phosphate phosphotransferase in potato tubers. Z Naturforsch C. 55: 953–956.
Teramoto M, Harayama S and Watanabe K. 2001. PhcS represses gratuitous expression of phenol-metabolizing enzymes in Comamonas testosteroni R5. J Bacteriol. 183: 4227–4234.
Furumoto T, Teramoto M, Inada N, Ito M, Nishida I and Watanabe A. 2001. Phosphorylation of a bifunctional enzyme, 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphate 2-phosphatase, is regulated developmentally in rosette leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol. 42: 1044–1048.
Teramoto M, Ohnishi K, Harayama S and Watanabe K. 2002. An AraC/XylS family member at a high level in a hierarchy of regulators for phenol-metabolizing enzymes in Comamonas testosteroni R5. J Bacteriol. 184: 3941–3946.
Watanabe K, Teramoto M and Harayama S. 2002. Stable augmentation of activated sludge with foreign catabolic genes harboured by an indigenous dominant bacterium. Environ Microbiol. 4: 577–583.
Teramoto M, Takaichi S, Inomata Y, Ikenaga H and Misawa N. 2003. Structural and functional analysis of a lycopene β-monocyclase gene isolated from a unique marine bacterium that produces myxol. FEBS Lett. 545: 120–126.
Teramoto M, Rählert N, Misawa N and Sandmann G. 2004. 1-Hydroxy monocyclic carotenoid 3,4-dehydrogenase from a marine bacterium that produces myxol. FEBS Lett. 570: 184–188.
Fujisawa M, Watanabe M, Choi S-K, Teramoto M, Ohyama K and Misawa N. 2008. Enrichment of carotenoids in flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) by metabolic engineering with introduction of bacterial phytoene synthase gene crtB. J Biosci Bioeng. 105: 636–641.
Harada H, Fujisawa M, Teramoto M, Sakurai N, Suzuki H, Shibata D and Misawa N. 2009. Simple functional analysis of key genes involved in astaxanthin biosynthesis using Arabidopsis cultured cells. Plant Biotechnol. 26: 81–92.
Teramoto M, Suzuki M, Okazaki F, Hatmanti A and Harayama S. 2009. Oceanobacter-related bacteria are important for the degradation of petroleum aliphatic hydrocarbons in the tropical marine environment. Microbiology 155: 3362–3370.
Teramoto M, Suzuki M, Hatmanti A and Harayama S. 2010. The potential of Cycloclasticus and Altererythrobacter strains in bioremediation of petroleum-aromatic-contaminated tropical marine environments. J Biosci Bioeng. 110: 48–52.
Teramoto M, Ohuchi M, Hatmanti A, Darmayati Y, Widyastuti Y, Harayama S and Fukunaga Y. 2011. Oleibacter marinus gen. nov., sp. nov., a bacterium that degrades petroleum aliphatic hydrocarbons in a tropical marine environment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 61: 375–380.
Alonso-Gutiérrez J, Teramoto M, Yamazoe A, Harayama S, Figueras A and Novoa B. 2011. Alkane-degrading properties of Dietzia sp. H0B, a key player in the Prestige oil-spill biodegradation (NW-Spain). J Appl Microbiol. 111: 800–810.
Teramoto M, Queck SY and Ohnishi K. 2013. Specialized hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria prevailing in seawater around a port in the Strait of Malacca. PLoS ONE 8: e66594.
Japan Patents
寺本真紀 渡辺一哉 コマモナス・テストステロニR5株のフェノール水酸化酵素の構造遺伝子と調節遺伝子 特許公開 2000-69968.
[Teramoto M and Watanabe K. Structural and regulatory genes for phenol hydroxylase in Comamonas testosteroni R5. Patent number; 2000-69968.]
寺本真紀 三沢典彦 単環式カロテノイドの合成に有用な遺伝子、および単環式カロテノイドの製造法 特許公開 2004-154061.
[Teramoto M and Misawa N. Genes for monocyclic carotenoid synthesis and the synthesis method. Patent number; 2004-154061.]